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Introduction of K-12 GERA

Introduction of K­12 GERA
The Global K-­12 Education Research Association (K-12 GERA) was officially established in 2014 in Shijiazhuang, China, under the lead of Shijiazhuang Foreign Language Education Group (SFLEG). There are 168 schools from 21 countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Finland, Germany, Spain, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, South Africa, Zambia, Qatar, India and Costa Rica in this association. K-12 GERA focuses on comparison and research of global basic education and explores the direction for its development. It provides a platform for workers in primary and middle schools to research educational reform, improves school quality, and cultivates competent talents for future. The aim of K-12 GERA is to lead global K-12 education, tell Chinese Story and carry forward Chinese Culture.
As the president school of the association, SFLEG held the First Annual Conference of K-12 GERA as well as Forum of Education of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region from Oct 10th to Oct 12th, 2015. The meeting focused on “Reading Literacy and Science Literacy”, invited 50 headmasters and education experts from 15 countries and had 42 speeches. The Second Annual Conference of K-12 GERA was held in SFLEG from Oct 15th to Oct 17th, 2016. The conference focused on “Cultivation of Students as Literate Citizens in a Global Context”. It invited 54 foreign headmasters and education experts from 15 countries and had 43 speeches. Third Annual Conference of K-12 GERA was held in SFLEG from Oct 14th to Oct 16th, 2017, with the theme “Cultivation of Students’ Literacy in the Arts”. There were 52 headmasters and education experts from 16 countries gathering together to give 43 speeches, discussing how to cultivate students’ art literacy. The Fifth Annual Conference of K-12 GERA was held from October 12th -14th , 2019 in SFLEG. The theme of the conference was “Cultivating Students’ Leadership Skills”. Altogether 54 participants from 10 countries delivered 34 speeches.

Location: Shijiazhuang Foreign Language Education Group, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China
Mission: Build a global K-12 education research platform; carry out international education exchange and cooperation; promote K-12 education reform and innovation; serve the sustainable development of society.

GLObal K-12 Education Research Association

TEL: 86-311-86573339; 86-311-85889264
FAX: +86 311 85889264
EMAIL: susanzhao3596@hotmail.com
ADDRESS: Yucai Street 318, Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, P.R. China
POSTCODE: 050021

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