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Academic Committee:
Director: China, Senior professor of Beijing Normal University, Member of International Education Advisory Council, Honorary president of China Education Association, Gu Mingyuan
Deputy director: China, Professor of Education Department of Beijing Normal University, Shi Zhongying
Deputy director: USA, President of Washington International Education Council, William Fish
Secretary general: China, Deputy director of Education Department in Hebei International Office, Liu Jiangyi
Committee member: China, Dean of Institute for international and Comparative Education of Beijing Normal University, Liu Baocun
Australia, Deputy Principal of UNSW Global Foundation Studies, Brad Campbell
China, Researcher of Education Development Research Center in Ministry of Education, Secretary General of Asia Pacific International Education and Value Education Association in United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Xiong Jianhui
China, Secretary General of the International Education Association of China Education Development Strategy Institute, Dong Songshou
China, Director of Higher Education Research Institute of Education Research Dpartment in Tsinghua University, Wang Xiaoyang
Responsibilities of the Academic Board:
1. To provide suggestions on the education development plans of the association from an academic perspective and support our decision-making process with academic expertise.
2. To offer guidance and evaluation on academic issues.
3. To provide constructive suggestions and recommendations, offer consultancy, recommend excellent educational resources to the association.
4. To invite professional educators and professors to come to the annual conference and to give academic reports related to the theme of the year.
5. To offer students university guidance and vocational plan advice to member schools.
TEL: 86-311-86573339; 86-311-85889264
FAX: +86 311 85889264
EMAIL: susanzhao3596@hotmail.com
ADDRESS: Yucai Street 318, Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, P.R. China
POSTCODE: 050021